Urban Connections is an organization, consisting of two staff people and many committed leaders, volunteers and board members. Feel free to contact us at any time. The UC House can be reached at 614-251-0140. Our Staff are available for presentations about Urban Connections as well as teaching small groups, Sunday School or other classes on topics related to community development. Please contact one of us for more information. 

To send financial support to one of our staff, click the Paypal button and choose their name from the dropdown menu on the payment page. 

Cathy Alexander

Executive Director

Cathy has been with Urban Connections since 1999, first as a volunteer, then on staff coordinating programs, fundraising, doing community development, and now as Executive Director. She lives in the community with her family and is committed to loving neighbors and neighborhood. She holds a B.S. in Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling.


Board Members

Sandra Moody – Chair; Personnel & Scholarship Committees
Matthew Jackson – Treasurer; Financial & Facility Committees
Brandy Davies – Personnel Committee
Gordon Smith –
Facility Committee
Derrick Henry – Financial Committee
Takell Lawson – Facility Committee
Jasmine Walker –